
Laetitia Sonami has been building new musical instruments for decades and she has so many interesting thoughts about control and interfacing:

George Lewis is a trombonist and composer who has been improvising with machines for decades as well. His work focuses more on the algorithmic/software side of things, but his ideas still apply to thinking about different paradigms of control and expression as they play out in the interface.

The New Instruments for Musical Expression, or NIME, conference has been the academic hub exploring expressive interfaces for a few decades now. There are many wonderful papers on specific and general topics related to sound and interaction. If there is sometime specific you are looking for, I recommend using your browser’s seach function.

The Guthman Musical Instrument Competition is another place where music and microcontrollers converge in interesting and odd ways. Take a look at the past participants for ideas and inspiration.

Below is an assortment of papers, essays, and books that I have found relevant to this type of work. If you have suggestions / additions, feel free to add them in the comments!

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